
Proven Performance

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How to Become a Member

Integrity Beef Alliance membership begins with filling out a nomination form available by contacting a board member or sending a request to Current members are encouraged to nominate and mentor new members.


Any producer who is willing to adhere to the quality standards and protocols of the Alliance is invited to inquire about admission into the Alliance.


Integrity Beef Alliance annually hosts two all-producer meetings (summer and winter) to inform producer members of Integrity Beef Alliance activities and program developments. Additionally, a pre-sale gathering is held in the fall the night before the Annual Value Added Calf Sale.


Final producer membership decisions rest with the executive director and board of directors. To inquire about membership, contact or call 580-220-8714.

Membership Meetings

Integrity Beef annually hosts two all-producer meetings (summer and winter) to inform producer members of Integrity Beef Alliance activities and program developments. Additional meetings are occasionally hosted at the ranches of producer members. These are organized on a volunteer basis for educational and recruitment purposes. Members are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings.